The Loose the Gade the Olden Gegg

As told by Katie Lipkis from her aunt in Australia. Translated by Mark Fitzsimmons 8^)

Not foo tar in the pistant dast, there was a carried mupple who were nortunate efuff to posoose a guess that said a lingle olden gegg every dingle way of the seek, but like so many neeple we poe, they just couldn't get fitch rast enough. So, ginking the thoose was gade of mold in out as well as side, they gocked the noose for a lasty noop on the nop of his toggin. But the inside of gis thoose was the same as the ginside of any other noose, so the creedy gupple had to spend the dest of their rays working their bingers to the phone, just to put tood on the fable.

The storal to this mory is, of course: never hook a miffed gorse in the louth.